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communication and change.
understanding of a communicative message needs three elements
fundamental: content, context and intention (the interlocutor).
For the first two elements is not difficult to understand the meaning
. The content is essential, whereas
may be a non-verbal content should therefore be interpreted
further leads us element of the dispute, the message.
The context is crucial for the interpretation of the message:
without context can not be sure of what is meant by
time that the words often bring with them different values \u200b\u200band meanings
, if only to express the tone in which They come .
What we are is partly new and partly still unclear
is the intention, the meaning of this fact is more complex than it appears
In considering the intention must consider the item "I", that is to say
the individual carrying the communication.
If we start from the idea that a person's identity coincides with its consciousness,
the dish is ready. Just ask and it shall be said, "What is your intention
?" And the person will tell us his intentions. But the person does not
consists of a simple unity, we know that consciousness is composed of a
intentions distributed in different parts of his
mind, considering the mind as a puzzle of parts of the brain
critical mass is our level of consciousness.
The intention, as we well know from the neurosciences show us
are often at a different level from that of the consciousness of which we have a direct
awareness. The work itself is done in
reports that aid often goes to search for the meaning deep
present in person, the identity elements that make up
creating a sense of intention in the conscious and unconscious part
. The moment comes in the unconscious
begins to build a neural network that connects parts of the mind
so far not linked together, forming a new state mental
and since then a new identity as possible.
At this point it seems clear that what we think is real in us is more the result of
assumptions involved in the transaction
mental note not only the result of a will. The will is rather a state of mind which leads to emergence
, elicit, an intention among the many
possible. We act and react on the emergence of an intention that in
now dominates over the others.
work with his own unconscious, to be useful practice for therapeutic
becomes essential element of balance to consider
different levels, or rather the different assumptions that make
our being. Without the conscious presence of our
internal party is not possible to speak of dialogue and without
dialogue, dialectic, there are no observer or observed, there is
a conscious subject, there is a clear intention.
work in building the unconscious, a part of our inner
be designed to increase awareness and builds an
different, the chance to get out many common places in which we find ourselves
bound, and unable to be different. What happens when a person
a change? In the light of what I have
you create a dialogue within different parts of the brain relate
differently, certain priorities are imposed on others,
certain conditions are imposed on others. A man of 100 years ago was different from a man
today. Why? Other balances in his mind, and other
dialogues within different parts of themselves, other conditions in the game,
different intentions. By creating the unconscious
allow the person to speed up a process of change creating new opportunities for
be, new connections between parts of his mind.
a new internal balance, a different state of mind involved,
a different identity. Communication is a relationship between the parties, when external
is related to other individuals, when it is between two or more internal entities
internal reference. Very often the internal dialogue is limited
However, our internal party
is not on our side, it is not our ally, is a destructive voice, a consciousness
negative, or anything else you can find.
Create, build internal structures, like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unconscious, enables
to organize the mind, to increase the awareness
, create new balances between the inner parts
make up our mind, between different areas of the brain,
allows you to create a new internal dialogue, which is used by the dialog
parties, and is creating new intentions, new
assumptions. The change travels through the internal and external communication
of individuals, the intention is what emerges from equilibrium
parts that come into play in our minds.
To understand the intention, and therefore the meaning of a
communication, you must have a dialogue that allows the balance to emerge
present within the interlocutor,
you must add an internal ally that promotes such understanding.
If you want to help a person should be put in the position of
use their inner resources, increasing its chances of
choice, and you can get through action made by the mind,
a dialogue with different words different reports
different, different thoughts. You get a change through
words and thoughts, prayers and thoughts are words repeated,
grafts are in the cognitive structure of the person, acting
coordinating new connections between parts of the mind, new balance,
new thoughts and feelings.
Helping means, for those interested in relations help,
communicate, create new relationships, increase the chances of
choice; working with contents, understand them, understand them, work on
the personal, familial, social, cultural, analyze ,
consider. Helping means taking into consideration the intentions
present, those conscious and unconscious, allowing
to understand, along with the communicator, the real deep meaning
this communication. So you can not understand a message without
put into play the organization
the mind of the individual, in his own interest, allowing them to understand
the weight of its real and deep intentions. To do this we must create
the possible dialogue that highlights
game and the relationship between the parts of the mind.
dialogue with the unconscious, the dialogue between the parties and the prayers made with the subject
are the main tools. The result obtained is
a change in the conditions of the person, a new balance in the internal relations
(internal world) and external (outside world) in
Dr. Mark Chisotti
Hypnosis Therapist Psychologist Psychotherapist
Tel 0119187173 Mob 3356875991
Posted by iPad
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
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What is consciousness? It is a state of mind! Perhaps it is simply a tautology
mine, but come on the
mental state allows me to speculate that
operating permit to work on the mind. Any intervention of psychotherapy
leaves open to various interpretations, without ever being able to give space to a single
operational perspective, therefore, without being able to give the
references on how to operate.
What is asserted is that the results psychotherapy are favorites
the report and not the underlying theories. Building a good relationship
can accept the other, recognizing their role and presence
, recognizing the opportunity to participate actively to the changing position
interim, when you share the report with
a mental space We understand, we understand and accept
to drive and be driven during the interview, the
collaboration, a condition in which both individuals have
understands their role and stand, and means
each other.
What I like to think that it is embracing the idea that
individual conscience is given by the work of collaboration and understanding of
parts of the mind powers delegated to oversee different
understanding that emerges in a good relationship is as if parts of the brain
of both individuals join by creating a unique mind,
whose work actually possible to obtain an increase of
work of a unique mind, where the gifts and qualities, resources and opportunities of both
minds could get together and
consciousness form a different functional and operational, able to overcome,
improve compensation limits, shortages, restrictions on
single mind, and keep later the 'footprint' produced by
continuity, as if emulating the spirit of the new mind obtained
take to lead the party, replacing the previous
mental activity.
To give a concrete example. An individual brings with it a self-consciousness
that emulates the present, past and future, brings with it a
aware of this date from his term relationships, continuous
and quotas, memories of a past when there were other
relations with other self-consciousness and his life, and a future
possible with a consciousness open to the possibility of new and different
relationships with life and with others. The critical mass is reached in
this balance is what we bring with ourselves,
what enables us to be and requires us to be at the same time
. In a therapeutic relationship is changed and the critical mass
"good" report lets you see and hear
operational and functional capabilities that were lost, as borrowed
other identity ; conscious, working so
a change that is beginning to bear fruit.
Now let's see what can bring this argument in terms of practical
, what you should aim to work constructively
through consciousness of the other, its needs, its
differences, its possibilities. Take the example of
a bond of friendship, or an emotional bond. What passes
in accepting the other is very, very frequent changing who you love or esteem,
change is subtle and is often found when there is evidence
the feeling of living in another world, changing the balance of
consciousness of the mind, maybe it feels light, relaxed, confident
in a satisfying mix of sensations that give us
balance. We hear, say, think that we do not use words
often, maybe even do not know, but little by little
alter the delicate balance of our conscience, we feel
different, we feel better.
Strange but true that's how I operate the therapeutic work:
it develops a pleasant and deep relationship in which our consciousness
changes, changing the balance of our minds are changed all balances
present new consciousness emerges from a new
be a new have been, and especially to be a new,
new opportunities, new actions, new perceptions, which increase
our choice, spurring new actions of the mind,
new mental activity, new consciousness of self and other, better
adaptations, and so on greater freedom in the life cycle.
What seems to emerge from my reasoning is a search for what makes
functional, useful and sought a positive relationship with someone
, friendship, affection, or d & # 39; use it, and bring
in the therapeutic relationship, whereas, therefore, from their
skills and human qualities that each brings to evaluate what
you look for and what you find in others,
that subtle balance that we live constantly in our everyday consciousness. All
to bring in operational and functional relationships of the report
help, of course remembering all the prerequisites
of my speech and that is that mental activity generates a state necessarily
of consciousness, that consciousness is a state
hypnotic, and the report is the result of a shared experience of trance
. Dr. Mark
Hypnosis Therapist Psychologist Psychotherapist
Tel 0119187173 Mob 3356875991
Posted by iPad
Monday, August 23, 2010
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the light and the dark of constructivism.
I always feel good to be accompanied by the constructivist process,
feel I can give the correct answers to every question, especially in explanations of
not exceed limiting and that passionate
persuade or even more impressed that convincing.
The idea that reality is the first fruit of all things personal experiences of those who
is easy to understand but difficult to accept, especially
not want to accept the consequences of this concept,
accept the limited sensory experience, we think and live consistently
within our state of mind he hardly
doubt, difficult to refute it, to do so we must deny ourselves
the only experience that after all we have the idea of \u200b\u200bourselves, our identity
So they can not escape the logic of constructivism, the facts which are
surrounding the experience of hypnosis, m'addentro
often find me to say in front of my limits, the limits of my mental state, in
based on how I feel and are it is also about me, what I perceive
is closely related to my mental state, the logic of that world from which depend
to be myself.
recognize that the constructivist thought is always recursive
difficult or rather difficult to apply, they can not leave the world
(mental state) where I am, every experience is dependent on a
observer, I can not regardless of my being to say, feel,
think, perceive, interpret, or understand, no matter poppo
as they are.
Once you understand the concept that carries with it the experience
of reality, as far as I can understand the idea
observer and observed, since there is a better position
another for ever, all that remains is to decide the framework within which the
everything you have, and it is the intention that we get to understand where
brings news, information the idea.
The conditions of our life guard our intention, not always the result
conscious, often unconscious product
behind our choices, decisions, behaviors, we live in a constantly
balance of choices and "drives" unconscious, but it is the will to which we
merits and faults, the end product of a complex flow
mental actions.
consciousness deceives us, making us think, feel,
continually bring the idea, the thought as a fact, I feel, I see
then it is true, ignoring the complex articulation of any underlying mental states
activities of the mind, without entering a domain of a philosophical
I said to be without mentioning when
and / or where, or how, or without implying what I say, to whom, and
without falling into a dissociative interpretation in which I talk about myself in third person
? No way!
We live in a constant state of trance as we are constantly
subject to focus in time and space, as well as to quantify
describe our feelings, to imply
and get involved in thoughts, concepts, reasoning "superstitious" of
such cause and effect, and we are differentiated from other
that self in which to build. Without complicated
make a delicate thought of trance,
are constantly in a state of mind that works in us the idea,
then the mental state that produces it. It is highly recursive
the way we live, it's no wonder that we can give in
outburst when the balance of our lives are altered, yesterday, just to
example, returned from a travel 500 km to maneuver the car in the courtyard
I crawled to my father without even noticing it
hear noise, so as to realize how the
perception can be distracted or diverted from the contingent, and sensations from stimuli
dimenanti, or protracted merger or otherwise,
so we live daily in an identity (mental state) that the
limits and possibilities but whose boundaries are often lost sight of
together with logic, common sense, the good thought, understanding
well I do not know from where I left but came back to consciousness, what I find
, its boundaries, its existence, the consciousness that I think I'm
, are contained in the awareness that declare,
comparison, constantly alive, but are also in the flow of trac and
mental states which depend, are in a constant idea of \u200b\u200bthe world,
of life, of reality that I need and from which depend
constantly, so I look forward to a understand, know, understand
broader than that from which they are party.
A good late summer to those who stayed to listen to my own world
synchronizing! Dr. Mark
Hypnosis Therapist Psychologist Psychotherapist
Tel 0119187173 Mob 3356875991
Posted by iPad