lights and shadows of constructivism. the light and the dark of constructivism.
I always feel good to be accompanied by the constructivist process,
feel I can give the correct answers to every question, especially in explanations of
not exceed limiting and that passionate
persuade or even more impressed that convincing.
The idea that reality is the first fruit of all things personal experiences of those who
is easy to understand but difficult to accept, especially
not want to accept the consequences of this concept,
accept the limited sensory experience, we think and live consistently
within our state of mind he hardly
doubt, difficult to refute it, to do so we must deny ourselves
the only experience that after all we have the idea of \u200b\u200bourselves, our identity
So they can not escape the logic of constructivism, the facts which are
surrounding the experience of hypnosis, m'addentro
often find me to say in front of my limits, the limits of my mental state, in
based on how I feel and are it is also about me, what I perceive
is closely related to my mental state, the logic of that world from which depend
to be myself.
recognize that the constructivist thought is always recursive
difficult or rather difficult to apply, they can not leave the world
(mental state) where I am, every experience is dependent on a
observer, I can not regardless of my being to say, feel,
think, perceive, interpret, or understand, no matter poppo
as they are.
Once you understand the concept that carries with it the experience
of reality, as far as I can understand the idea
observer and observed, since there is a better position
another for ever, all that remains is to decide the framework within which the
everything you have, and it is the intention that we get to understand where
brings news, information the idea.
The conditions of our life guard our intention, not always the result
conscious, often unconscious product
behind our choices, decisions, behaviors, we live in a constantly
balance of choices and "drives" unconscious, but it is the will to which we
merits and faults, the end product of a complex flow
mental actions.
consciousness deceives us, making us think, feel,
continually bring the idea, the thought as a fact, I feel, I see
then it is true, ignoring the complex articulation of any underlying mental states
activities of the mind, without entering a domain of a philosophical
I said to be without mentioning when
and / or where, or how, or without implying what I say, to whom, and
without falling into a dissociative interpretation in which I talk about myself in third person
? No way!
We live in a constant state of trance as we are constantly
subject to focus in time and space, as well as to quantify
describe our feelings, to imply
and get involved in thoughts, concepts, reasoning "superstitious" of
such cause and effect, and we are differentiated from other
that self in which to build. Without complicated
make a delicate thought of trance,
are constantly in a state of mind that works in us the idea,
then the mental state that produces it. It is highly recursive
the way we live, it's no wonder that we can give in
outburst when the balance of our lives are altered, yesterday, just to
example, returned from a travel 500 km to maneuver the car in the courtyard
I crawled to my father without even noticing it
hear noise, so as to realize how the
perception can be distracted or diverted from the contingent, and sensations from stimuli
dimenanti, or protracted merger or otherwise,
so we live daily in an identity (mental state) that the
limits and possibilities but whose boundaries are often lost sight of
together with logic, common sense, the good thought, understanding
well I do not know from where I left but came back to consciousness, what I find
, its boundaries, its existence, the consciousness that I think I'm
, are contained in the awareness that declare,
comparison, constantly alive, but are also in the flow of trac and
mental states which depend, are in a constant idea of \u200b\u200bthe world,
of life, of reality that I need and from which depend
constantly, so I look forward to a understand, know, understand
broader than that from which they are party.
A good late summer to those who stayed to listen to my own world
synchronizing! Dr. Mark
Hypnosis Therapist Psychologist Psychotherapist
Tel 0119187173 Mob 3356875991
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